Thursday, April 16, 2009

Roman Nose has it!

The vote was overwhelming for Roman Nose. Kelli and I will be working out the details and will get them to you but we still need to get your feedback on one more thing.

The food.

Do you want them to prepare our meals or do you want to take turns.

We have worked a schedule where each person will have one meal that they are responsible for (along with their team). This means shopping, purchasing, cooking, cleaning up. If we decide to do this we would divide everyone up and it should work to where we have 3-5 adults in each meal group. You and your group would be responsible for ONE meal during the reunion.

The other option is to have the meals provided by Roman Nose. In order to keep costs down we would choose one entree selection for each meal along with sides.

In either option, we will publish the menu early so that you will know if there is a meal that you don't like and need to bring PB&J along.

Please comment with your feedback and vote in the poll on the left.


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